The Cursebreaker (Home program)
The Cursebreaker home program is a 4 week program that you can do with minimal equipment, that focuses on progressive overload training. It is a 4 day split with an optional 5th day. [HS/glutes, Push, Pull, Quads/glutes + optional core/cardio]
The Cursebreaker home program is a 4 week program that you can do with minimal equipment, that focuses on progressive overload training. It is a 4 day split with an optional 5th day. [HS/glutes, Push, Pull, Quads/glutes + optional core/cardio]
The Cursebreaker home program is a 4 week program that you can do with minimal equipment, that focuses on progressive overload training. It is a 4 day split with an optional 5th day. [HS/glutes, Push, Pull, Quads/glutes + optional core/cardio]